Bat, Raccoon, Squirrel, & Animal Removal in Weston, MA

Weston MA is a town located in Middlesex County, just miles outside of downtown Boston. This very affluent town, with over 1,000 households is Massachusetts’s wealthiest suburb. According to Boston Magazine, Weston MA also has the number one public school system in the state.33947_303003349781569_830125516_n

Despite being such a prominent town, we have had many stress calls involving bats, and other wild animals roaming free in the homes and businesses of Weston MA! Wild animals will find the slightest crack and make your home their new home! Summer is just around the corner; the warmer weather will make bats, among other animals, a lot more active. Here at Baystate Wildlife, we will remove bats….and other wild animals from your home, business, school, or wherever else they might be hiding!

Our exclusions and trappings will rid wildlife from your home, keeping your family safe. We even offer 24 hour bat removal services! Bats are especially dangerous, as they can carry the very dangerous rabies virus. If you or a loved one is bitten, make sure to see a doctor right away!

Contact Us For 24/7 Animal Removal in Weston, MA

Here at Baystate Wildlife, we specialize in removing wild animals of all kinds and species! We will always remove the animal in a safe and humanitarian way. If you have any questions, or if you’re currently suffering from one of these invaders, feel free to give us a call right away at 781-830-6080.