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April 6, 2022Spotting a snake can be a terrifying experience for some folks, especially those with a snake phobia. There are venomous or non-venomous snakes, but most people usually encounter the latter. Still, not everyone can readily identify a snake when they come across one of the reptiles. What is the right approach when you have a snake encounter? What should you do if you see a snake in your yard, on your hiking path, or in your garden? Here are some helpful tips for when you come across a snake.
Don’t Panic
If you are terrified of snakes, you may simply go into panic mode if you see one. However, panicking should be avoided. It’s best to stay calm since not all snakes are a threat. You may not know in the moment if it is dangerous, but the snake would rather avoid you too. It may retreat, lay still or hiss as a warning to stay away. If you do not panic, the snake may just slither away upon noticing you.
If You Can, Identify the Snake or Distinguish Between Venomous and Nonvenomous
From a safe distance, try and identify the snake that you encounter. If that’s not possible,
determine if it’s venomous or non-venomous. It’s all in the eyes, well in most instances, but don’t try and get too close. Venomous snakes tend to have vertical or elliptical pupils, while non-venomous snakes have round pupils. However, there are exceptions to the rule, like the coral snake, for example, that’s highly venomous, but it has round pupils. Venomous snakes also have fatter bodies and triangular-shaped heads that are wide.
Back Up and Move Away From the Snake
Rather than move towards the snake, move away and leave the snake alone. Avoid walking up to the snake for a closer look, poking it, catching it, or touching it. Even if you’ve identified the snake as non-venomous, you can still get a bad bite on the hand if you try to touch it. Retreat a safe distance from the snake, but keep an eye on it. If possible, snap a photo of the snake with your smartphone so that your local pest control company will have a photo for reference. If you stay out of their way, you can avoid getting hurt or worse.
Use Gentle Encouragement to Usher the Snake Away
You will not be comfortable with snakes lingering in your backyard. This doesn’t mean that you should throw caution out the window and try and get close to the snake. Let’s say the snake is enjoying the morning sun on your deck, perhaps a little longer than you like. A simple and harmless thing to do is spray the snake with cold water using your hose. This could help to drive it away.
Keep Kids and Pets Bay
One thing that kids and pets share is a curiosity to explore. You don’t want either of the two to get close to a snake. A snake that feels threatened is a dangerous snake that could bite in an instant. For their safety, get and keep your kids and pets indoors when you see a snake in the yard. Allow them to return outside when it’s safe and the snake is gone.
Call Wildlife Control Professional to Handle Snake
Not all snakes will move along on their own and could become a nuisance. If this happens, it’s best to get wildlife control professionals to remove the snake from your premises. If you are dealing with a venomous snake or otherwise in your backyard, this is the best option to reclaim your backyard. They have the skill and knowledge to best handle snakes and give you peace of mind in the process. In these situations, call a wildlife control professional.
If you happen to have a snake problem in your home, Baystate Wildlife can solve this wildlife issue quickly and effectively. Baystate Wildlife provides safe and humane animal removal services. We are here to help you. Don’t hesitate to call us.