January 10, 2019Published by admin at January 10, 2019Categories BlogWhat To Do About Bats In Your AtticThere are a lot of animals you don’t want in your home, specifically bats. Bats at a distance, post no threats to humans and even be […]
December 20, 2018Published by admin at December 20, 2018Categories BlogWhat To Do If You See A BatWhen people see a bat they become immediately concerned. Bats have become associated with rabies, and like most mammals, they can contract rabies, but the percentage […]
November 14, 2018Published by admin at November 14, 2018Categories BlogWhat Do I Do If I Have Bats In The Attic?If you have critters in your attic and you don’t know what they are – sometimes they could be bats. Bats just like most animals look […]