Angie’s List: Review 1
September 28, 2013Raccoon Prevention Tips
July 21, 2015Red squirrels are located all over Massachusetts, and unfortunately for our residents, they like to break into people’s home and make their homes inside attics.
We just received a call from a Newton MA resident, who said she heard “running and clawing” noises in her ceiling and walls. We asked here at what time during the day did she hear these noises; if it was at night, it could be a raccoon, but if it’s during the day, it’s most likely a squirrel. It turned out that she heard these noises during the day.
That’s how we knew we were not dealing with raccoons, but with squirrels; squirrels are more active during the day, as raccoons are more active at night. So as we entered her house, we knew that we weren’t dealing with raccoons, and we were most likely dealing with a squirrel invasion.
We arrived during the morning, when squirrels are most active, and installed our exclusion cage; this exclusion cage is a one way exit that allows squirrels to leave but closes shut as soon as they are gone.
Then, we entered the attic to see if there were any other squirrels living in the attic; chances are, if you have one squirrel, you have a nest. When we entered we saw that there was in fact a nest of pups. We carefully and gently picked them up and placed them in a cage. Upon seeing a few of the pups, we saw that we were dealing red squirrels.
A few weeks later, we returned to the Newton MA home to make sure the exclusion held up. The exclusion did, in fact hold up, and there has not been any signs of a red squirrel invasion since!